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Book Review
Overall: 8
Sensuality: 7
Theme Element: 10

This is an Official Review by a Time Travel Romance Writer Official Reviewer

Review for First Time with a Highlander
Author: Gwyn Cready
Date of Review: 08/23/15
Reviewed by:

Reviewer Comments: Gwyn Cready takes her readers to Scotland in the novel. She pulls is into the struggle between England and Scotland as Scotland tries to find independence in the early 1700’s. Ms. Cready gives her readers a lot of historical detail surrounding a story about romance and love. Serafina Fallon never imagined that her life would be like this. She imagined that she would marry and then build a business with her husband. Being ruined by her fiancé and becoming a pariah in the community has only increased her determination to get back her fortune and make something of her life. She asks her friend, Undine, to help her by giving her a potion that will allow her find someone who can help her recover her cargo from a ship. She doesn’t to find the man who shows up in her bed. Gerard Innes went to sleep in a hotel room and awoke 300 years in the past in the bed of a Scottish lass whom he does not know. In addition to adjusting to the many differences between his life and where he is now, Gerard must also try to figure out what exactly happened between himself and Serafina. He thinks they might be married, but his memory of the night before is quite fuzzy. As Gerard and Serafina try to figure out a way to get Gerard back home, they find themselves in danger and fleeing from people who are after the same cargo that they are looking for. It doesn’t help their quest that they are both very attracted to each other and having Gerard go home may not be what either of them wants. I really enjoyed this story. I liked how the time travel had a purpose and that neither Gerard nor Serafina could quite remember what happened once he appeared in her time. This meant that they couldn’t send Gerard back right away and it gave Gerard and Serafina time to work out their feelings for each other. I also appreciated the addition of the fight for independence and the addition of spies on both sides of the fight. Ms. Cready is able to tie everything together and to provide a great ending to her story. This is the second book in the series, but you don’t need to have read the first book to enjoy it. I haven’t read the first book and I was able to piece together what had happened and who all the characters were to each other.

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