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Book Review
Overall: 9
Sensuality: 9
Theme Element: 9

This is an Official Review by a Time Travel Romance Writer Official Reviewer

Review for Stolen Season, A
Author: Tamara Gill
Date of Review: 10/05/12
Reviewed by: Heather

Reviewer Comments: Every girl wants a season, doesn’t she? Sarah gets to go back into the past and experience a season but she initially endures it under the guise of looking for a mapping device.

Sarah Baxter is a time traveller. She is an archaeologist by trade in the current time. On a trip back in time, she leaves behind a mapping device or gps and then has to return to bring it back. Her attempt to take the device means she is accidently involved in the death of an earl. His brother shoots her and she is wounded in the arm. Back in her proper time, Sarah is required yet again to return and collect the mapping device. When she returns to the past, she needs to hide the wound in case the new earl discovers her identity. She becomes involved in the new season and with Eric, Earl of Earnston.

The Earl of Earnston vows to find the murderer of his brother. He keeps the device in his pocket to ensure that if the murderers return then they will have to come to him. While Eric tries to seduce Sarah into becoming his wife, he has to fend off the attentions of Lady Patricia who happens to be the choice of Eric's mother as his wife. Eric tries to makes Sarah accept his proposal and doesn't understand why she was reluctant. When he discovers that she is from the future, he is distraught. This story is only novella length but really worth the read. It is a time travel and I often wonder how well an author does the time travel sequence and in this case there is a Time Arch with a seamless movement from the future to the past and back again and not too much detail which I think is better for the reader to accept that a character time travels.

The other aspect that intrigues me in a time travel story is how the character deals with being in a time not their own. Sarah certainly makes many mistakes in her manner and speech but brushes it off as being the European thing to do. Of course many of the ton do not realize as they haven’t traveled to the Continent.

I really liked how Eric was able to let Sarah know that he remembered her. It was very touching. Of course, I don't think I will tell you whether Eric and Sarah are together in the past or in the future. You will have to read for yourself.

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